The Lion Tamarins of Brazil Fund (LTBF) was established in 1992 to raise funds for field research activities in support of lion tamarin conservation.
The four endangered species of lion tamarins, the golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia), the golden-headed lion tamarin (L. chrysomelas), the Black Lion Tamarin (L. chrysopygus) and the black-faced lion tamarin (L. caissara) are endemic to the Atlantic Forest in eastern and southeastern Brazil.
The Lion Tamarins of Brazil Fund (LTBF) support Brazilian field researchers, surveys, censuses, behavioural and ecological studies, translocations/reintroductions, public education, reforestation and land acquisition activities in support of lion tamarin conservation.
Tamarin Tales
Tamarin Tales is the newsletter for LTBF.
Tamarin Tales is produced by Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark
Editor: Mikkel Stelvig, mst@zoo.dk